Dissolved Oxygen Sampling
BFS Environmental Scientists successfully obtained a Section 10/404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Galveston District to continue developing the remaining portions of The Reserve at St. Charles Bay, a canal community previously authorized in 2013. The residential community was not completed prior to their permit expiring in 2018. Our team obtained authorization to complete unfinished work in October 2023. In addition to obtaining the Section 10/404 permit, our team was hired to perform dissolved oxygen monitoring in support of ongoing regulatory coordination with the USACE and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). BFS Environmental Scientists led bi-monthly (once every two months) sampling events and followed TCEQ’s recommended methodology and monitoring plan. Samples were collected using a YSI ProDSS Multiparameter Digital Water Quality Meter to monitor dissolved oxygen, temperature, and conductivity at six sample stations; one control station and five stations within the network of residential canals. Summary of findings that met TCEQ standards were developed for each monitoring event and provided to the USACE and TCEQ to adhere to permit requirements.
- Section 7 Consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service
- Section 10/404 Individual Permit
- Jurisdictional Determination
- Wetland Delineation
- Open Water Dredge Area and Placement Area Delineation
- Dredge Plan and Drawings
- NEPA Document Draft of Statement of Findings
- Agency Coordination
- Permit Drawing Plans
- Dissolved Oxygen Sampling and Reporting
- Seagrass and Oyster Surveys