Environmental Compliance and Inspection
Environmental Compliance Inspection, Confidential Client, Multiple Projects, Texas 2015 – Present
BFS has provided full time Environmental Inspectors (Els) on several hundred miles of gas pipeline projects over the past ten years. Our inspectors bring vast environmental knowledge and deep understanding of ever-changing regulatory requirements to the construction process.
Our inspectors are on the ground daily and are integral to the construction process. They remain in constant communication with the Client, acting as an extension of their staff. They help facilitate all contractor related actives and keep extensive records and documentation of water and wetland crossings, installation and removal of erosion control devices, erosion and sediment control plans, landfarm operations, hydrostatic discharge permits, road crossing permits, revegetation and other regulatory requirements. Our inspectors also fly the right-if-way weekly with a UAV as part of the SWPPP inspection process, subsequently providing the client a weekly video log of construction activities.
- Clean Water Act
- Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
- Public Utilities Commission of Texas
- Section 10/404 Permitting