Port of Little Rock

Project included professional environmental and regulatory services for the Port of Little Rock to obtain Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) Grant from the Maritime Administration (MARAD) to support the Port of Little Rock Mooring Upgrade Project. As one of the primary ports on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS), the Port of Little Rock proposed improving the safety, efficiency, and capacity at the port by removing deteriorated deadman anchors and installing 36 steel monopile mooring dolphins in the Arkansas River and installing 11 monopile mooring dolphins in Slackwater Harbor. Prior to granting the funds and per NEPA requirements, MARAD required an environmental review of the project and authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. While at the prime engineering firm for the project, Dr. Guigou was the task lead for the NEPA review and Section 10 permitting. The primary elements of environmental and regulatory work consisted of the following:

⦁ On-site natural resource survey including waters of the U.S. determination and protected species habitat
⦁ Partner with air, noise, and archaeology/architecture professionals
⦁ Compile and address over 75 public comments
⦁ Assist with cultural and tribal coordination
⦁ Develop the supplemental biological resources document
⦁ Lead Section 7 consultation on behalf of the Port
⦁ Evaluate direct, indirect, and cumulative effects from the project on environmental and human resources
⦁ Identify environmental commitments to reduce impacts
⦁ Coordinate with MARAD and the Port on the Draft EA
⦁ Create the FONSI and Final EA
⦁ Collaborate with design engineers on permit exhibits and calculations required for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 10 permit application